Мне вот интересно, название аддона, Retribution, связано именно с Возмездием или с названием нового ударного крейсера Кровавых Воронов, на котором они стали летать после того, как их корабль, "Армагеддон", погиб при атаке на Тирана-альфа, еще в оригнинальной части игры?
нет, скорей всего возмездие над еретиками, демонами и ксеносами, заполонившими систему. Если я правильно переварил информацию, то "Возмездие" последний или предпоследний аддон перед выходом дов3
Мне вот интересно, название аддона, Retribution, связано именно с Возмездием или с названием нового ударного крейсера Кровавых Воронов
Вот уж с крейсером название точно не связано. Ну право, причём тут крейсер? Совпадение, не более.
Quote (Адиас)
Если я правильно переварил информацию, то "Возмездие" последний или предпоследний аддон перед выходом дов3
Насколько мне известно, вся информация касающаяся "последнего аддона" - не более чем слухи и домыслы. До выхода ДоВ3, если верить THQ, ещё чёрте сколько времени, так что выпустить ещё один аддон после Retribution'а представляется вполне возможным.
Насколько мне известно, вся информация касающаяся "последнего аддона" - не более чем слухи и домыслы. До выхода ДоВ3, если верить THQ, ещё чёрте сколько времени, так что выпустить ещё один аддон после Retribution'а представляется вполне возможным.
Джеф Лайделл в предпоследнем интервью по этому поводу говорил, что у них есть много идей относительно аддонов или DLC для ДоВ2
Добавлено (2010-09-22, 10:11:37) --------------------------------------------- кстати, говорят тау будут. Мол, кто то рылся в блокное ХР,и увидел там крута с Тау, и одна из сверх способностей Высшее Благо... Боян, да?
Anchar, А черт их поймет. Уже и некрона на картинке видели, и скрипты для воинов огня в коде находили, и чего только не было. Но все это скорее всего утка и искусственное разжигание ажиотажа. Помню, когда был анонсирован первый аддон, но еще не было ничего объявлено, по инету гулял слух, что если в арми пейнтере долго-долго клацать рендомные расцветки для космодесанта, то в один прекрасный момент он покрасится в схему Повелителей Ночи с соответствующей символикой.
SerbIy, но согласись, какое совпадение))) Может они решили, что имя корабля "Возмездие" обрушиться как молот Дорна на врагов Империума))) Ладно, шучу, просто интересно стало)
они вообще фиг знает где сидят....они никак не могли тирам на пути попасться. сеть два варианта:
1) карта устарела, и ИМ вместе с мирами КВ перенеся впритык к империи Ультрамар, что навряд ли. 2) это был щупальце, которое отступая полетело в ту сторону...тоже странно.
таки не просто игруля, раз она стала иметь отношение к бэку. Я конечно понимаю что с КВ релики могут делать что угодно, но вот просто взять и, без объяснений, переместить ИМ или направить к ним щупальце тиров...просто странно что ГВ пофиг на это дело.
Хомяк, как ни прискорбно, но варлок - это как раз тактическая единица, а Автах - единица стратегического значения. "Автархи верят, что истинный путь к военному превосходству лежит не столько в гуще схватки, сколько в получении масштабного видения всей битвы и направлении воинства Эльдар по самому смертельному, но короткому пути к победе.это путь Командования, Животрепещущая навязчивая идея полного понимания того, как каждая боевая задача может быть частью более сложного плана всей битвы" - так что варлок тут относительно к месту... Возможно, задания нам будет давать именно Автарх...
"Когда его зовет жажда боя, он возглавляет штурмы, сражаясь в поединках с лидерами вражеских армий или пренебрежительно легко уничтожая боевую технику. Крылатые Автархи частенько парят над полем битвы, пикируя в гущу боя лишь для того, чтобы решить исход битвы одним хорошо рассчитанным ударом."
Хомяк, Я к тому, что они СКЛОННЫ к стратегии, а не к тому, что они не появляются на поле боя)помнится, я еще до Хаос Райзинга надеялся на Автарха, как на нового юнита или даже героя)
Добавлено (2010-10-01, 6:28:06) --------------------------------------------- И да! Чуть не забыл! Если автарха сделают новым героем я поступлюсь своими принципами и сменю аватарку пораньше))))
Taking place years after the events in Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising, this title allows players to choose their perspective with the first multiple-race single player campaign in the Dawn of War II series. The first race to be revealed is the savage Orks, but no matter which race is chosen players will be taken on an epic journey through each story arc, revealing the answers to many questions left open in previous Dawn of War titles.
About Retribution It is ten years since the events of Chaos Rising and Sub-Sector Aurelia has been in a constant state of warfare with the Imperium struggling to retain control. The apparent betrayal of the chapter by Gabriel Angelos and his Space Marines has shaken the Blood Ravens and now the Imperial forces are beset on all sides by hostile aliens. Retribution allows the player to select the race of their choosing in a battle to determine the very survival or destruction of the entire sector.
Если коротко, о сюжетной линии как в CR можно забыть, теперь в кампании вновь будет несколько играбельных рас, со всеми вытекающими отсюда последствиями.
Кстати, релики заодно анонсировали и ДоВ3.Выйдет это чудо через полтора-два года после Retribution, будет в жанре "что-то вроде MMORTS" и как последний гвоздь в гроб серии. Теперь ясно, почему они и тупо свалили в него все нереализованые наработки оригинала.
Так же почитал спойлеры книги ДоВ2
Таркус - мертв Тайфун и Калдерис уже в любом случае потеряны, а на Меридиане остался всего один город. Кирас, в свою очередь, похоже вообще забил на потерю трех полных рот
Chaos have a Defensive, Offensive (ganker) and Support Commander, however the one category they lack that some other races have is a dedicated harasser (comparable to the Ravener Alpha and the Warp Spider Exarch). The problem with these Commanders is that their inherent mobility makes them incredibly strong even without any wargear. The Raptor Champion offsets this (at least initially) by being melee; the WSE and the RA benefit from amazing ranged DPS (especially in bursts). Besides, a Raptor Champion is freakin' cool and we don't have a representative for Chaos Undivided (Raptor Packs are traditionally Undivided and owe allegiance to no Chaos God - the 4ed option of adding an Icon needs to be burnt in a fire).
Weapons and Wargear:
Default Wargear:
Chainsword - also comes equipped with bolt pistol. Low ranged DPS and mediocre melee DPS.
Power Armour - typical Commander armour. Nothing fancy.
Rending Blade - filled with the hate of a thousand years, this chainsword tears through armour and bone as though it were flesh and seems to delight in leaving deep wounds that are slow to close. Replaces the standard chainsword, deals higher damage to infantry targets as well as damage over time. No additional effect on vehicles. Grants the Maiming Strike ability. Requires T1.
Immolating Flamer - a flamer crafted from the dark forges of the Dark Mechanicum, each gout of flame from this weapon seems to scream like a daemon trapped within a cage. Replaces the standard chainsword and bolt pistol, does decent area of effect damage and Courage damage over time. Ineffective against vehicles, effective against infantry and garrisons. Grants the Scorched Ground ability. Requires T2.
Claw of Despair - the favoured weapon of many a Raptor Champion, the arcane lightning claw brings terrible devastation to all enemies of the Dark Gods. Replaces the standard chainsword and replaces the standard bolt pistol with a plasma pistol. Slightly increases ranged damage, deals incredible damage to all infantry targets. Grants the Ferocious Leap ability. Requires T3. Armour wrote:
Barding of Hate - an amalgamation of spikes, chains and ceramite, this ancient suit resonates with palpable waves of negative energy, driving it's bearer to greater and greater acts of cruelty. Grants +100 Health and +40 Energy. Also slightly increases the range of your Jump (or the Raptor Assault) ability. Requires T1.
Eternal Embrace - an arcane suit of powered armour dating back millenia. Enhances the bearer's movement while at the same time feeding off of his rage and pain. +20% move speed, grants the Feel No Pain ability. Requires T2.
Aegis of the Tempest - a radical redesign based on debased technology, this armour crackles with forbidden power which lashes out at attackers while shielding the bearer from incoming blows. Reduces incoming ranged and melee damage by 10%, grants the Lightning Shield ability. Requires T3. Accessories wrote:
Disruption Grenades - one of the most basic pieces of wargear used by the Adeptus Astartes, many overlook the importance of a well-timed grenade. Grants both the Blind Grenade and Smoke Grenade abilities. Requires T1.
Shadow Projector - an arcane device favoured by both Raptor cults and the traitorous Marines of the Night Lords Legion, this Warp-fashioned device shrouds an enemy squad in an obfuscating shadowy smoke. +50 HP, grants the Shroud of Shadows ability. Requires T2.
Screaming Jets - a variant on the standard Raptor Assault Pack, this jump pack howls like some enraged feral beast as the Raptor Champion descends upon his foes from above. Adds 40 Energy, removes the Jump ability and grants the Raptor Assault ability. Requires T3. Globals wrote:
Howl of Hatred - deals a moderate amount of Courage damage in a cone in front of the Raptor Champion.
Cover of Darkness - causes all friendly Chaos units within a certain radius of the Raptor Champion to move slightly quicker and receive less damage from ranged attacks (+10% movespeed, 20% reduction in ranged damage). Lasts 8 seconds.
Sabotage! - the Raptor Champion sets an explosive device at a target location before retreating to a safe distance to detonate it! Works in a similar fashion to Cyrus' Remote Detonator in the SP Campaign, though probably nowhere near as devastating. Damages both friendly and enemy units.
Empyreal Abyss - creates a devastating warp rift that deals heavy damage to units in an area. Unholy chains will pull nearby infantry into its area of effect. Abilities wrote:
Maiming Strike - the Raptor Champion darts forward, sweeping his Rending Blade through a target unit, tearing through flesh and armour alike, before returning to his original position. Very short range, deals moderate damage to target unit and applies a 50% slow that fades over 5 seconds (subject to balancing). 55 Energy.
Scorched Ground - the hellish Flamer blasts the ground with infernal flames, the ground itself crying out in pain as the Chaotic energies ravish the earth and surrounding fauna. Slows all enemy units who enter the area by 10% (subject to balancing) which wears off over a period of 1.5 seconds after they leave the Scorched area. Also deals very slight damage over time to all units within the AoE. Moderate AoE. 35 Energy.
Ferocious Leap - Jump Pack flaring, the Champion launches himself at a target, screaming benefactions to the Dark Gods of Chaos. Target unit is mauled by the Claw of Despair as well as feeling the impact of the ceramite-clad Champion landing nearby. Deals moderate knockback and a large amount of damage. Damage is directed in a frontal AoE and the damage drops off the further the AoE effect moves from the centre. Targetted model takes the full damage; nearby models will take less according to their distance from the strike. 60 Energy.
Feel No Pain - the cursed armour feeds off of the Champions emotional and physical "highs", which has the benefit of siphoning off the pain experienced by the Commander's nervous system. Works pretty much like Tarkus' SP ability (unlocked by progressing through the Stamina tree). 35 Energy.
Lightning Shield - this arcane armour crackles with forbidden power, arcs of coruscating energy rippling across it's surface. Enemies that attempt to strike the bearer of this suit are struck by this foul energy as it lashes out, seemingly hungry for blood. Every time the Champion is hit the attacking unit takes a small amount of damage. Reduces ranged and melee damage taken by another 10% for the duration of this ability. Lasts 5 seconds. 60 Energy.
Blind Grenades - a pack of specialist grenades, these are used for blinding and stunning the enemy so that the Champion can either launch a devastating offensive or quickly escape from an ambush. Suppresses the unit the grenade was directed at (if any, targeting ground means no units are Suppressed) and reduces the accuracy of unit within the AoE explosion by 75% for 6 seconds. Moderate AoE. 30 Energy.
Smoke Grenades - a pack of specialist grenades, these are used for providing a defensive bonus to either the Champion or nearby troops and is often used to allow a sizeable force to sneak up on the enemy. Reduces ranged damage taken by 30% whilst friendly units are within the AoE. Large AoE and decent duration. 30 Energy.
Shroud of Shadows - these powerful devices are a rare sight as Raptor Packs and the dreaded Night Lords covet them over most other trinkets. Shrouding an enemy in a Warp-induced fog, it hampers their ability to fight the enemy as well as reducing their defense. Disables ranged weapons on the target unit and reduces melee damage by 50% for the duration of the ability. Also increases all damage taken by the squad by 10% for the duration of the ability. Lasts for 5 seconds. 50 Energy.
Raptor Assault - a more powerful version of a regular Assault Jump manoeuvre, the powerful Screaming Jets allow the Raptor Champion to announce his presence amidst the enemy with a thunderous roar and a sonic blast. Knocks back all Small and Medium-sized entities within a small AoE and deals a small amount of damage. Otherwise functions as the regular Jump ability. 60 Energy.
Why does the Immolating Flamer belong in T2?
Chaos doesn't need T1 genbashing. Chaos already has an amazing amount of synergy between the Commanders and Heretics, and that's before we even get started on the CSM. Chaos T1 is all about map control, harassment and getting to T2, the Tier in which they excel. Chaos need Tier 2 to take out Power farms and counter vehicles (to a certain extent) . . . if they had decent T1 genbashing potential the game would often be over before it even reached T2 (this is more of the case in 1v1s, but I hope I get my point across). The Chaos Lord Combi-Flamer deals no damage to Generators last time I checked, and the Bile Spewer is something that's unique to the Plague Champion. The Immolating Flamer also grants an ability that slows your enemy and deals slight damage over time, which adds to it's already considerable strength as a mobile disruption weapon.
Why does the Rending Blade only deal non-stackable damage over time?
It doesn't need it. It's a powerful weapon in it's own right and depending on the damage type of the damage over time it could be very handy at taking down retreating units. Stackable damage is often quite hard to balance and given that this is only a T1 weapon it needs to be useful throughout the Tiers whilst not being overpowered as the Raptor Champion levels up and gets stronger.
Сообщение отредактировал kop - Вторник, 2010-10-12, 4:36:11